pres_weekend Click for link to schedule
The Cougars Presentation Weekend
It’s that time of the year when we celebrate last season, our members pick up a members trophy and we see who will be awarded the accolades of ‘Most Improved Player’ or ‘Manager’s Player’ and ‘Player’s Player’ of the year.
This year we want to give every squad ample time for their presentation and every child the opportunity to share the experience with their family and friends so we have put together a schedule (click link above)pres_weekend.
After your team’s presentation we would love it if you stayed on for a drink but we kindly ask that you respect the next team’s presentation by giving up seats near the stage and keeping noise to a minimum when they present their awards – many thanks.
We hope you and your children enjoy this year’s presentation. If you have any questions please ask your Team Manager or your Squad Coordinator.
Thank You.