under 11's Football
- School Year - 6
- Day of Games - Saturday
- Day of Training - Monday
- Head of Age Group - John Dovey (Blues) Matt Hayler (Whites)
- Squad Coordinator - Faye Wright 07581 065349 (Blues) Hayley Thorne 07837 422050 (Whites)
- Venues - London Road
Dive into football with the passionate Under 11’s team, focusing on refining skills, understanding the game, and growing as a cohesive unit.

Volker Highways
VolkerHighways is a leader in the delivery of highways and street lighting term maintenance contracts, traffic management and specialist EV charging solutions.
- Matchday:14 players maximum
- 9 v 9
- 30 Minutes each way
- Match Ball: Size 4
- Goal Size: 16ft x 7ft
- Pitch Size: 80 yards x 50 Yards Recommended
40 yds x 70 yds (FA minimum)
50 yds x 80 yds (FA maximum)
Misc Under 11s Youth Football rules
- Corner posts and flags required
- Respect barrier (designated spectator area) on one side of pitch
- two Technical Areas on other side of the pitch
- Goal area: 14 yds x 4 yds
- Penalty area: 32 yds x 13 yds
- Penalty Mark: 9 yds
- Penalty Arc: not required
- Centre Mark: required
- Centre Circle: not required
- Corner Arcs: not required:

under 11's through the years
Tagged Boys