Buntingford Cougars Soccer School – May 2018

Buntingford Cougars May 2018 Soccer School – Taking Bookings Now

We cover a wide range of topics: passing, shooting, dribbling with lots of different games. Once they have practiced those skills there is no better place to try them out other than in an actual game, so the children will play matches in the afternoon. We also allow the children a little bit of “free time”.

Cougars’ soccer schools welcome boys & girls 4-12 years old regardless of ability or experience, we split the children down into 2 groups (4-8 & 9-12) to have fun in a safe environment.

Coaches are qualified with 1st aid training and are CRB checked.

Wednesday 30th & Thursday 31st May.

Registration at 8.45am at Freman College, Lower Field, Bowling Green Ln, Buntingford SG9 9BT. A prompt start at 9am to 3pm collection

Cougars members booked in advance pay only £15 per day.

Non Cougars booked in advance pay £18 per day. 

All bookings after 7pm the day before – pay £20 per day (sorry no exceptions) so please book in advance.

Children must wear suitable clothing, apply sun cream if necessary, footwear for outdoors grass activities & shin pads.

Children must bring a packed lunch & plenty to drink, break from 10:30am-11am and lunch from 12pm-1pm.

Any questions please email sandra.neill3@sky.com or telephone 07786 031570

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